What is No-CMS?No-CMS is a CMS-framework.No-CMS is a basic CMS with some default features such as user authorization, menu, module and theme management.It is fully customizable and extensible, you can make your own module and your own themes.It provide freedom to make your very own CMS, which is not provided very well by any other CMS. View('viewname', $data, 'navigationcoderequired', array('privilege1required', 'privilege2required'));? ContributingIt is my honor to accepts contributions of code and documentation from you.These contributions are made in the formof Issues or onthe on GitHub.Issues are a quick way to point out a bug. If you find a bug or documentationerror in No-CMS then please check a few things first:.
Sistem Inventory berbasis web menggunakan codeigniter dan easyui April 11, 2013 Sistem Inventory berbasis web ini sebenarnya pengembangan dari sistem inventory sebelumnya, yang dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP untuk kali ini saya mengembangkannya dengan menggunakan framework CodeIgniter agar lebih mudah dipelajari dan dikembangkan.
Cms Berbasis Codeigniter Buatan Indonesia 2016
Cms Berbasis Codeigniter Buatan Indonesia Pc
There is not already an open Issue. The issue has already been fixed (check the develop branch, or look forclosed Issues). Is it something really obvious that you fix it yourself?Reporting issues is helpful but an even better approach is to send a PullRequest, which is done by 'Forking' the main repository and committing to yourown copy. This will require you to use the version control system called Git.To use github, you should first read LicenseGPL & MIT License AcknowledgementI would like to thank all the contributors to the No-CMS project and you, the No-CMS user.Here are some names of considerable contributors:. goFrendiAsgard.